Galena IT Ltd offer a number of services to help you select the most suitable Software Solution and Vendor

It is essential in any ERP or CRM project that the reasons for doing the project are identified from the very beginning and communicated to all the stakeholders.

Determine the Requirements

In order to select the most appropriate ERP or CRM software solution and Vendor it is essential that all the requirements are identified and assigned a priority  and business owner. At Galena we will work with the members of the team to ensure all the requirements are correctly identified and recorded. These will be used through the full life cycle of the project to ensure they are delivered by the solution.

Identify Vendors and Solutions

 Once the requirements have been documented a full detailed specification is generated, this is then sent to a short list of vendors who are sellected for their expertise in the industry sector, size, potential and location.

Multi-Round Selection Process

The short list of potential vendors are asked to respond to the specification document and provide details of the potential costs and how the project will be delivered, these responses are compared and the most suitable solutions are asked to provide a product demonstration with the clients data to ensure people understand what is being demonstrated. These are are compared using a number of weighted criteria and the most suitable Vendor and Software solution is identified. 

Commercial Negotiations and SoW

Galena IT Ltd are happy to assist in the commercial negotiations and to create a Statement of Work (SoW) document that explains who is responsibility for what in the project and defines the deliverable from the vendor.

If you don’t find the services you are looking for, please contact us.x


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