Galena IT Ltd offer a number of services to help you Implement your new ERP or CRM Solution
It is essential in any ERP or CRM project that the reasons for doing the project are identified from the very beginning and communicated to all the stakeholders.
Project Management
Galena IT Ltd provide full Project Management services for the full implementation of the project, this includes Project Planning, Resource Planning and Communication Planning. Our Project Management services are tailored to meet your requirements with many clients taking on board a project manager part time through the life of the project as the size of the project does not require a full time project manager.
Project Governance
Galena IT provide full Project Governance services including preparing Steering Committee Reports, Project Status Updates and managing the Vendor. At Galena we use a number of tools to ensure that the details of the project are captured and consolidated into weekly reports that provide the project executive team with the information they need to keep the project resourced and to ensure that all the people working on the project have full visibility of what is required when and by whom.
Process Mapping
Business Process mapping and modelling will either expand on work completed in the previous phases of the project or start from scratch in developing a full set of true TO BE business process maps. These process maps are important so key members of the team and users of the system can see what processes are effected by other processes, what the trigger is to start a process and what must be done to complete a process. The process maps are also a good aid for training and testing the system.
User Acceptance Testing
One of the key areas in any ERP or CRM project is the full end to end testing of the software by the key users. At Galena IT we have a number of tools and methodologies that can be used to greatly assist in this process. These tools allow all tests scripts to be managed and any faults identified reported back quicky to the Vendor and thier development team for resolution. All fixes are tested again and managed through to resolution.